On boundaries!

Do you have clear boundaries with family, friends or work?

Do you find yourself saying yes to the people in your life then either wishing you could get out of it or feeling resentful that you're not doing the things you want to do?

Repeatedly saying Yes to things when you really feel like you should say No takes its toll on your wellbeing,

mentally and emotionally. And since we know both these things are also linked to physical health, well them, it can also affect that too.

Saying Yes to family members all having different meals, saying yes to a partner going out while you stay home, saying yes to those extra tasks at work without a pay rise, saying yes to going out with your best friend on the first day of your period or in the middle of a cold. These all might seem like little things alone, but if you do it over and over and over again, and never say No?!

If you repeatedly say Yes, and wish you could say No more then it can lead to you allowing others to take advantage of you, and this can bring up feelings about yourself which aren't healthy either, and cause you to resent the people closest to you.

Learning to say No is a great act of Self Care. Those who love you and appreciate you and the work you do, will never be offended if you say No. Saying No doesn't have to be done in a way that might upset them either. In fact learning to say No in a way that leaves the other party feeling heard is pretty important too.

It also doesn't mean always saying No, it might be OK to say you don't want to, but will this time (this can feel especially with our children as we often ask them to do things they don't want to and it's impossible to change).

Or if you do feel you have no choice always make time to do something that is entirely in line with your own needs FIRST, because that act of Self Care can be the one that gives you the energy, emotional or physical, to do the thing.

To begin your journey into more Self Care join me the next time I run the Self Care Love Fest.


It’s time to take responsability


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