Rock solid health care

Crystals have been used by indigenous medicine people around the world for thousands of years. They are also clearly know as great conductors of energy. Quartz crystals are literally at the heart of most analogue watches, certainly the ones that actually work well.

What are they though and what can you use them for when it comes to health and wellbeing?

What are crystals?

Crystals are natural solids made up from minerals within the earth. They have very precise atomic structures individually and they range from a grain of salt to huge geode formations. They are formed within the earths surface and moulded using the elements of water flowing over and around them, volcanic activity or air currents and atmospheric pressure.

The oldest substance that has ever found on earth was in fact a crystal. Found in Australia and dated at around 4404 billion years old, a piece of zircon. This example shows the history, longevity and energy of these formations held within them.

Crystals vary in colour and hardness, and since they have different atomic structure and properties they hold different vibrations. They each support the body or energy around us in different ways as a result.

How do crystals work?

There are many explanations – mystical, magical, scientific, and pseudo-scientific – for the healing effects of crystals. Two such explanations include piezoelectric effect (the ability of crystals to generate a voltage in response to mechanical stress) and pyroelectric effect (the ability of crystals to generate an electrical potential in response to temperature change). Other common explanations for the healing effect of crystals involve heat, electricity, and “focusing energy”. The placebo effect (in which something has a healing effect because the recipient believes that it will) and magic are also used to account for the beneficial effects of crystals.


Science is 'the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence' according to The Science Council.

This means there is always learning and open mindedness to real science, especially with the natural world, things from the earth and that which is naturally around us either as physical matter or energy and electricity, or the things seen and the things unseen.

So while mainstream established science shares no prove of any direct effect of crystals on any disease or condition, as mentioned above it has shown that crystals do in fact vibrate and they exhibit both piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects. They also hold both heat and electricity and focus light energy. 

These special properties of crystals have numerous practical applications, from the use of quartz crystals in watches to the development of lasers. 

Remember also the science of 'the placebo effect', even used in modern pharmaceutical medicine, which also occurs during crystal work. The placebo effect is in fact shown to be a big player in pretty much all healing and medicinal practice. It may even be the main reason that any healing occurs, the power of the mind to believe it can get well (but maybe that's for a whole other blog). 

Finally, the explanation that crystals work by magic also has some validity if magic is defined as “that which is beyond our understanding at this point in time”. The scientific research into the properties of crystals is on-going. Recent research into quartz, for example, has shown what crystal therapists have “always known”; that crystals increase the frequency of light passed through them. With the increasing exploration by many of what is currently called 'Quantum physics' (a branch of physics that looks at the motion and interaction of sub-atomic particles) may contribute to our gaining even more knowledge on how crystals work.

Test it for yourself

1. Stand with your eyes closed and your hands held out in front of you with your palms facing up. 

2. Ask a friend to hold a quartz crystal 2–5cm (1–2in) away from one of your palms (the point should face your palm) and slowly rotate it. 

3. Notice how your palms feel different from one another. As we have no vocabulary to describe energy, however you choose to describe this difference is valid.

4. Observe physical sensations such as one hand being warmer, cooler, heavier, lighter, itchier, and so on. Be aware of any feelings inside you. Sometimes these feelings may be very subtle. However you choose to describe crystal energy is fine – the description is unique to you.

So what about healing therapies and crystals then?

As as already been mentioned crystals channel energy. They can focus, store, transmit, and transmute this energy and the beneficial effects of these can be used in healing and energising. Since crystals are made up of the same elements of the earth as we are physically using them in healing elixiers, creams or as their whole natural form can speed up a natural processes. 

Crystal healing is about change; it involves working with crystals to approach your spiritual beliefs (that is your belief in the unseen and nature), your emotional wellbeing, your feelings and mental health. All of this brings improvement to your physical. 

Crystals will not do something that you (or your body) cannot, but they do speed up things that would happen anyway. For example, carnelian works well for common colds. Rather than curing the cold, it speeds up the symptoms. Characteristically, carnelian will appear to make your cold symptoms worse for about 12 hours as your body rapidly rids itself of the virus. After this, rather than suffering the usual three weeks of nagging dribbles, coughs and sneezes, you will simply feel better. Your body is quite capable of dealing with the cold all by itself, but carnelian speeds up the process.

What happens in a crystal healing session?

Primarily in my practice I take a full emotional and physical health history. If you have a specific issue you have brought to me then we will discuss ways to address that first. I then provide everything you may need, a piece of jewellery, solid crystals, elixirs or even a cream infused with crystal energy from dedicated crystals. 

With a knowledge of crystals, their benefits, and those which should not be used in liquids or in products to be used internally or on the skin, you can be assured that what you receive is going to bring the best results.

You can bring anything to me from help with spiritual awareness, anxiety and grief, mental anguish and even physical symptoms of things like headaches and pain, respiratory conditions and auto immune disease. If you're not sure if crystal therapy can help then just book a free session here to chat first.

Book a crystal therapy session with me here. These can all be held online, or if you live in the UK you can see me face to face at Soma in West Yorkshire.


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