What stresses you out?

What stresses you out? What makes you anxious? What do you do when those feelings come up?

Do you try and shut them down? Push them away and ignore them? Or do you let them embody your whole being, pull everything down, make you forget there is possibly ever even a tiny bit of hope?

How do either of those things make you feel?

What if there was a 3rd option?

What if you could find a way to feel the feels, to allow the emotions to come up, make you cry, make you feel all of them, but then move through them. Find better feelings! Relax and see there are other feelings, and once the big pile of shitty feelings have been allowed to have their time and space, they can be gone, like really gone.

I have found emotional.amd holistic healing work to be so amazing at allowing me to process all the feelings. Some have been from early childhood, some of which have grown and got more powerful through adulthood. The things I've learned this year though have really allowed me to release the hold those strong emotions held over me.

I've been able to find real inner peace, I've been able to use those techniques along with some of my previously held favourites like journalling and yarn crafts, to step more fully into the person I was meant to be, the person I am who finds joy in any moment, who laughs more than she cries, who has regained her optimistic outlook, not just for me, but for anyone if they could only realise it.

So if it's help with learning some of the practical techniques of stress relief I love like knitting, crochet or writing, or other creative skills, or if it's more of the healing work you'd like to find help with, I have you covered. I can teach you amazing skills, or guide you through ways to create using your own skills, or hold space while you work out those tricksy emotions. Drop into my inbox or check out my links 💜


Rest is a choice


How will they learn English and maths?