
Intro to HD presentation

Welcome to Indigosky Holistic's presentation on the introduction to Human Design.

This presentation was first given as part of a day retreat at SOUL Wellness Hub on April 27th 2024 following which I decided to turn it into a video for anyone interested in learning more.

To find your Human Design get a free chart either here or here.

Book in for a 1:1 private reading with me

1 off readings are £77 for an hour https://indigoskyholisticbooking.as.me/humandesignreading1

Book a full set of 4 readings for £222 https://indigoskyholisticbooking.as.me/humandesignreadingseries

People who attend or receive this presentation can get 15% off all readings using the code INTROPRESHD

To learn more about connections between health, neurodivergence traits please get in touch.

For support with relationships, especially understanding how to interact with your offspring contact me.

If you'd like to book an intuitive holistic support consultation please look at me website www.indigoskyholistic.com/services