Rest, Surrender, Trust

Due to unexpected life events, this process now starts:

December 21st 2024

Rest, Surrender, Trust is a live group nurturing process which starts up on December 21st 2024 and lasts for 6 months.

I have released 3 spaces for 1:1 mentoring through WhatsApp or Telegram for the course of this process at a 50% discount of my usual rate for 6 months of 1:1 support.

Usual energy exchange for 3 months of 1:1 support like this would usually be £1111/month, but receive the full 6 months of messaging support for just £3333. Payment plan options of 2, 5 and 11 months available.

Book an energy match discovery call to claim one of these spaces, today!

Rest, Surrender, Trust is a 6 month group process which will explore how these 3 elements blend together to bring a depth of energy, time and wellbeing to your whole life,

Content will be added every fortnight to explore the 3 aspects of the process in detail. There will be a live Zoom call almost every Tuesday for the 6 months and a group channel and discussion on Telegram.

  • Starting from the autumn equinox there will be a call every Tuesday at 6pm UK time. Tis call will explore the masterclass, wisdom from the group chat and answer any questions. It will be a space to share resources and get to know each other.

  • I will be hosting a group on Telegram to chat daily about the content share our stories and share wisdom throughout the 6 months. The Telegram group is not compulsory as all content is on the website, however, the best experience will be had by being part of the container there.

  • At least once a fortnight on the website portal there will be new content, videos, meditations, journal prompts and wisdom exploring each element of the process.

As we move into summer now and all of nature is bursting to life, have you taken a moment to think how long it takes for a seed that is planted to grow into new life, whether it is plant or animal?

Some take weeks.

Some take months.

Some take years.

They all have 1 thing in common, though:

They all take time to rest in the dark!

Take some time to just be, not trying to make anything happen, but just be OK with where you are right now.

You never know what amazing things can grow as a result.

Rest is productive!

It's OK to rest.

It's OK to slow down and take a break.

Relaxing is healthy.

When was the last time anyone told you this?

And when was the last time you actually took note and stopped everything to rest? With zero expectations except to just let your body Be?

We can learn so much from nature on how to take time to Be and allow things to unfold around us.

The Rest, Surrender, Trust process which begins in December 2024 will l bring this aspect of Rest into your life like never before.

Even if you think you are too busy, too hyperactive, too stressed, too …….. add your own overwhelmed term here, deepening into Rest will completely change your way of being.

When you learn to Rest at any single moment in your day, you will find more space, more energy and even more time to do the things you need to do.

Your thoughts that you are ‘too busy’ are holding you back from your dreams, and from the life you would like most to be living.

Release control and open up.

If you are feeling stuck in past emotions, feeling caught up in current energy and events, or feeling anxious about what the future may hold in what seems to be a fast changing world, I am holding out my hand for you to give up that control and lean into nourishing support.

You do not have to continue alone. Surrender is a powerful tool to open up to your soul’s deeper knowing of what you are capable of and what you are here to do.

You don’t have to start with your biggest challenges either. The keys through this process will always be starting with the smallest things. When we nurture those small parts of ourselves, the bigger, more challenging parts begin to fall into more alignment too.

During this process you will be shown how.

Surrender is releasing!

Often when we think of Surrender we think of giving up in a fight, sometimes under duress. However, the roots of the word Surrender are in releasing control, giving back.

In this case we are talking about giving the control you feel you have to have on how things are, or the control you maybe feel you don’t have over your life, to the parts of you that have higher vision and higher wisdom.

Surrender, in this process is going to be all about listening to your heart and soul and letting everything else go. It will be about tapping into the creative energy of all that is, so you can see your own innate wisdom.

When Rest, Surrender, Trust begins in December 2024 the depths of what it means to Surrender will become ever clearer.

Even if you think you have to control everything, have to be doing all the time, have to …….. add your own frustrated term here, releasing control and learning to Surrender will completely change how you live.

When you learn to Surrender the big things to some inner, wise part of yourself, you will find more clarity, more inspiration and even more knowing of what are the right steps for you.

Your ideas that you are ‘too stressed’ are holding you back from your dreams, and from the life you would like most to be living.

How much do you trust yourself?

As a human?

As a mum/dad?

As a partner?

As You?

Sometimes it feels like the whole of life is geared to take us away from trusting ourselves, and let's not even start on how we end up not trusting others.

I do believe that for centuries this has been the plan by certain factions in the world.

Trust is embodying!

Beliefs and conditioning we are carrying around, not just from our own life experience, but that passed on, for generations too

All this has taken us away from trusting within. It's taken us away from trusting ourselves. From trusting the crrwtace life force we are made of. From our intuition, instince, our innate knowing.

We have ended up believing that someone else knows what is right or best for us, for how we act, for what we do or eat, for how we raise our babies and offspring, even for how we dress and live.

Yet trust is within us all, trust is something we are waiting to have for ourselves. Trust can lead you from being stuck afraid of what will come, feeling guilty of not being good enough, ashamed to reach out for  support when things are tough.

Trust leads us out of all this.

When Rest, Surrender, Trust begins in December 2024 the depths of what it means to Trust will become ever clearer.

Even if you are full of self-doubt, lack self-confidence, haven’t felt …….. add your own low feeling term here, leaning in and learning to Trust will completely change how you live.

When you learn to Trust yourself on a deeper level, you will find more wisdom, more inner guidance and even more support from those around you.

Your ideas that you are ‘not good enough’ are holding you back from your dreams, and from the life you would like most to be living.

Sign up open.

While the process doesn’t begin until December I will create some content here before to share the path that led me to the creation of this brand new nurturing care package.


December 21st 2024

Rest is Productive

Part 1 begins on the Winter Solstice.

Deepening into Rest

February 27th 2025

Surrender is Releasing

Part 2 begins on February New Moon

Opening to Surrender

April 28th 2025

Trust is embodying

Part 3 begins on the April New Moon

Leaning into Trust