Create a life You love

Qualifications are over rated!

We all have so much life experience to share and support each other with, but elements of the world tell us if we don't hold xyz qualifications, we're not fit to hold that space for others.

Of course I'm here to smash down paradigms so, I call bullshit.

With a vast life experience, including recovering from PTSD, childhood trauma, being a mother, and creating a beautiful livelihood around my children and home education of them, plus so much more, I bring this experience into my support of others.

This is the idea behind one of my favourite and most powerful services I offer. Creative Life Support!

CLS gets to be whatever you need it to be. With mental and emotional health care experience I can offer intuitive empathy led counselling, or just a hearing ear, sometimes a neutral ear is needed to offload and then a clearer way can be found. Then i have the EFT and emotional clearing support tools to help too.

We are meant for so much more! You are meant for so much more!

It seems a regular part of life for many people, at this time especially, to have this feeling they are meant to do more.

The way we have been conditioned to follow a 9-5 life, or push ourselves to work for 7 or 8 hours a day, most days of the week, is so out of alignment for most of us. Especially if that work is not our passion, not our own purpose, but to work to someone else's rules and do someone else's bidding day in and day out.

It is seriously no wonder so many burn out, end up chronically fatigued, feel like they're unfulfilled.

You're not meant to work this way!

Firstly you are unique! Your energy within and without is unique to your body and your life.

Then you have your own desires, heart purpose, dreams of what you want, and so many of us have had our whole lives being told they're wrong, either impossible to achieve or selfish.

What if that wasn't true!

What if you fulfilling your dreams actually only made it easier for others to reach theirs?

What if your hearts desire to follow a path, and for many I speak to this is in fact a path in support of others, was the one you were supposed to find a way to?

What if you could find your way to it?

I truly believe you can!

If you find the right tools, begin to shed the stories and beliefs of the past, listen to your soul calling out to you on the path you'd find most joy to follow, you can find that beautiful life you dared not even dream about!

This is where Creative Life Support can take

you! With just an hour a week, over a period of time we can explore what has brought you to where you are. With intuitive guidance you can begin to see where your energy feels most enthused, and step more into alignment with that.

How do these sessions work?

I keep the financial exchange for these sessions low by using the content I create freely to support others too, of course with no personal details divulged in any content I create, EFT videos, Masterclasses, etc. These videos if freely available can be found on my Bitfchute channel. Some of the Masterclasses do and will end up in the Nurturing Freedom Membership in time.

I create other videos too, made to post publicly but that would address anything a client needed on a deeper level, again without divulging anything private or confidential.

It really gets to be whatever you need it to be week by week. We may start on some emotional support and then a work issue comes up and we go around that, and then a past memory surfaces that can be released and then more clarity comes around work, etc.

I potentially give some little suggestions to spend time on during the week in between sessions because just an hour is not much time to clear through your whole life. I also want this to be super affordable, yet bring results! Results come from within ourselves when we take action from our own motivation.

This is just part of the services and skills I have to support, and this is why I am here for you.

So come and join me for a chat in the garden or by the fire at SOUL Wellness Hub in West Yorkshire, or book a session below. These sessions can be held informally or more formally in my therapy room, or online. The booking link is below.

If you're feeling stuck or blocked or uncertain on your next step, I want you to know you are not alone!

Using inspiration and knowledge from energy healing, emotional freedom practices, Human Design and so much more you will be guided to find your own right path. What are you waiting for? Join me this week for your first session.

Its time to start dreaming big, and living Even Bigger!

Book your hour session here.

For readers of this blog who'd like to dive into 1 full year of support like this with me, I am offering a whole year of sessions for just £1,444 (usual price £1,776). That is an hour a week with me for a full year, to truly transform your life, without costing the earth. Book 12 months here and use the code BLOGCLS to get your discount. Payment plans are always available too. Alternatively you can contact me for details of 3 and 6 month packages.


Why we are not 'Home Schooling'!


Essential therapy through aroma