Essential therapy through aroma
Smell is our most primordial sense as humans. Our olfactory senses have served an extremely important role in the survival and evolution of our species.
Our brain processes and decodes multiple pieces of information that the olfactory nerves receive from any aroma we come into contact with. This decoding is what results on our brain signally how we respond to the smell. This information also goes into and through our nervous system, triggering our body into physiological responses if appropriate to a situation.
Our sense of smell allows to determine the edibility and quality of food. Whether you are aware of it or not it is also guiding us away from dangers, allowing us to discern safer routes. It also contributes to our search for romantic partners and in identifying our family members and loved ones.
Long deep breaths of freshly ground organic coffee can be a special kind of aromatherapy. The same could be said when sticking your nose on a rose. The scent of each natural aroma will always seem like nirvana, but what if this could be your daily therapy?
So what does all this talk of small have to do with this blog and the services Indigosky Holistic offers?
Aromatherapy, that's what! Aromatherapy was one of the very first holistic therapies I used myself. It was probably the first one in fact and one that is responsible for the things I did earlier in my life involving making my own skin care and products. It was then the first holistic practice I decided to study so I could better serve customers in the role of Independent Consultant for my favourite organic skin care brand Neal's Yard.
I already knew that aromatherapy was really a science and not something that could be taken lightly if recommending essential oils to people for their health. So I chose to study a certification in it to ensure I didn't offer poor advice or put health at risk to those who came to me for advice in my consultant role.
So what is the science I have this long history with that is called aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the science and art of applying herbal essential oils to nurture mind, body and spirit in harmonious balance. It can be used to both stimulate or relax, depending on what you need for your whole wellbeing. The essential oils used for the practice of aromatherapy are pure, natural concentrates extracted from either the entire plant, or specific sections with the most aromatic and potent properties.
There are a variety of extraction processes used that produce the host plant’s essential oil concentrate, which is typically 75% to 100% more concentrated than the dried herb.This concentration is why it is a volatile science not to be taken lightly. This potency is also what makes it a powerful natural form of medicine.
A neat concentrate like this contains rich organic compounds with a high concentration levels. This inherent vital energy of essential oils provides the potent natural healing powers found in aromatherapy.
These potent compounds facilitate and augment sustained maintenance of your intended enhancements.
Aromatherapy has a wide base of uses as a result of this. As already mentioned my own first use individually was in making my own skin care using lemon essential oil and rose water. One of my favourite pampering things to do was receive aromatherapy facials and deeply inhale the oils from the therapist hands as she took care of my skin. It was memories of these facials and the deep nurturing I felt from them that encouraged me to begin offering the practice myself, but more on that in a later blog post.
Massage is another commonly used physical therapy where aromatherapy is used, and another one of the face to face, hands on services I offer. More on the specifics of massage too in another blog post, but adding the powerful potency or aromatherpy to a massage can enhance mood and emotion, as well as helping aid physical symptoms of specific conditions.
The benefits of aromatherapy don't end there. Lifestyle, cognition, general health, wellbeing, almost every facet of your being can find comfort through aromatherapy.
It is also worth noting here that aromatherapy has a long history of being used in medicine and healing in most of the world dating back thousands of years. Evidence can be found from places like Egypt, China, India and the Americas, as well as in Europe that plants were used in this way in healing practices.
Essential oils are a great deal more than 'just' a botanical extract of high concentration. It is neither fatty nor greasy, as you might have initially perceived it to be. Much less, it does not refer to a certain need. An essential oil is the real essence of a plant’s intrinsic scent. It is almost like saying it is the life force, the blood if you like, and the soul of the plant. It has been described as 'the holy ghost of the whole host plant'!
What can an aromatherapist do for you then?
When an aromatherapist uses their knowledge and experience of essential oils and the physiological systems of the body almost any ailment or disease can be supported through it's healing. Even the end of life care can be nurtured through the art of aromatherapy.
As a general rule essential oils should never be used neat on the skin, very few exceptions to this exist and I highly recommend avoiding anyone who tells you otherwise unless they have studied the oils and can provide you with safety certificates. Essential oils are volatile
and there are some strong contraindications for serious conditions or things like pregnancy, so never use oils recommended without consulting someone with this knowledge.
Using this knowledge and intuition as a guide when you come to me for an aromatherapy consultation you will receive everything you need to nurture you, mind, body and spirit. You don't just get told which oils work for what. No, I will send you specific oils, or make you your own unique blend to be used in which ever way will work for you.
I can also create creams, oils blended with a carrier ready for direct usage or recommend other ways to use them including sprays, defusing or jewellery. All this is included in your appointment prices. You should never ingest essential oils! No matter what someone who sells them tells you.
If you would like to explore for yourself how aromatherapy can help anything from sleep issues, chronic fatigue, stress and anxiety, to physical conditions like MS, asthma, circulation problems, or you would like to know what is safe in pregnancy or which stage of pregnancy then you can book online and choose between an online consultation or visit me face to face in the Indigosky Holistic Room in West Yorkshire.