EFT - Tapping your way to Freedom
Welcome to the first of my series discussing the different support and services I offer for you at Indigosky Holistic.
This week I am discussing Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT or tapping, as it is sometimes referring to.
EFT was one of the very first tools I came to on my journey. It is one that has helped me on so many levels, in so many ways, and that I feel is seriously undervalued by holistic professionals and individuals who seek healing alike.
The process of EFT to clear emotions was birthed by Gary Craig, following on from the discoveries of Dr. Roger Callahan. Dr. Callahan had more or less accidentally stumbled on the magic of clearing emotions through the energy channels of the body while treating a woman for hydrophobia.
The process works on the principle that we store the emotions of the history of our life within the physical body. Emotion is often referred to as 'Energy in motion', and when that energy of our life experiences and how we've felt about them isn't moving it begins to 'stick' or create a build up. This build up of energy is becoming more and more understood to be a the root of physical health conditions.
Even within modern medicine it is understood that stressful jobs, high power executives are prone to stomach ulcers or heart attacks. It is understood that grief too can create dis-ease in someone and physical illness result. If you go to see a doctor about these things, or about pain or even repeated physical symptoms like mouth ulcers, you are likely to be asked how stressful your life is. This is because it is well documented and researched that anxiety, stress, as well as grief and depression hamper the body's processes of healing or fighting infections.
EFT has been shown to really help not just clear emotional feelings, but ease and even stop altogether physical symptoms. Some individuals even go on to be free completely of physical conditions after doing EFT and other emotional clearing process.
So what exactly does EFT look like?
EFT is a process of tapping with the finger tips, usually the index finger, middle finger and ring finger, on specific acupressure points of the body, particularly the face and head. These points correspond to the meridian channels of energy as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Within TCM the acupressure points, used in acupuncture and other therapies, are related to organs in the body and these organs correspond to emotions.
We store emotions within the body throughout our life, so when we're sad, or anxious, or afraid if we don't express that emotion, or are stopped from doing so in childhood by parents for example, we store that energy inside. Over our lifetime this energy stores and stores and eventually if not allowed release as energy or through emotional expression has to come out someway. The usual way for this to happen is through sickness, dis-ease within the body.
What happens in an EFT session?
In my EFT sessions we first of all discuss your initial reason for booking. This may be a specific situation like food issues, eating disorders, addiction, a significant life event like divorce or a bereavement. It could even be a more life orientated struggle like money worries, trying to choose a new career path, or even an inability to get some order in your life or home. EFT is also excellent for PTSD and phobias.
After our discussion of the reason for booking I will usually ask if you feel anything physically within your body when you are discussing this, and if it has any roots in earlier life, or is a repeating pattern.
After this we will go into an EFT tapping session where we tap on the points while I intuitively draw on what we've discussed to bring the emotions to the surface more. This can get intense! Any number of energy shifting things can happen from burping and coughing, to full on sobs. It is good to be prepared if you are doing an online session with me to have tissues and some water to hand. We will tap a few rounds on the tapping points above and then come back to check in with how you feel. Depending on this will dictate where we go next: more EFT on the same issue, or some tapping on anything new that has arisen.
It's highly unlikely on session will get you from where you are to ending the issue, although that can happen. So following our consultation I will make you a video to carry on, daily if possible, but at least 3 times a week, doing the EFT to help get the issue closer to resolution. I usually recommend a follow up session within a month to check in with how things are, and maybe provide another video to further make progress.
Up to 5 sessions may be required. It's also worth noting that more things can come up as
a result of the initial emotions coming to the surface more. It is for this reason that I offer 3 and 6 month packages of treatment.
The biggest thing I want for you to do though is release all that is connected to your initial situation and move past it into more freedom. After you initial situation is resolved or close to resolution you will possibly be able to then use what you know about EFT to move yourself through anything else, if not I will offer the support necessary to get to that point, and I am always creating free videos available on Bitchute to guide through many issues.
You can book an EFT session directly here, or find the links for a free chat to initially discuss if EFT is right for you at the top of the same link