Happy Not Back to School!

OK before I get to my posts on the support and services I offer, the first Wednesday of the month there will be a post on my other favourite thing, Raising Offspring. And since this last week has been Back to School week for many, it's time to celebrate what my girls are up to Not Back to School.

Happy not back to school week for my girlies. All growing up, all making me so happy with how well they learn by following their own passions and interests.

I’ve been guiding my children through home education for 8 years now. I’ve watched my girls learn to read and write in exactly the same way they learned to walk and talk. That is by being given opportunities and the means to learn the way that worked for them. And learning using things that interested them.

This of all the things challenged my trust for a while as the age of my Big Girl crept up and up and still she wasn’t reading, but suddenly at age 8. 5 she went from not reading at all to reading full children’s fiction books, her favourites then being Amelia Fang. Now at 13 it usually involves non-fiction, especially history and geography. The Small Girl was slightly younger at age 7, and now still loves to read Warrior Cats, but is also in her pre teen years a fan of Heartstopper books. The Teeny Girl sort of surprised me. While I fully expected her to be younger, I wasn't quite expecting it to be 5, but sure enough just before her 6th birthday she was reading chats in her games. Her favourite thing now at 7 is still to use her reading knowledge to chat in online games, but she's another Warrior Cats fan too.

I love trusting them to learn when they’re ready. I love having the freedom to guide them using whatever interests them. I am excited at seeing where else they take me in their education journey.

This year I'd have one going into the year before her GCSEs, if things are still this way, it would be the year she chooses which GCSEs she'd be taking. I dread to think how that pressure would cause her more anxiety and a grateful every day that she gets to flow in her own way

The now-not-so-Small Girl would be heading into High School for the first time and while I actually know of all my offspring she would cope the best with academics, she'd also get

quite stressed if she didn't get everything perfect first time, so I'm glad she free to make mistakes and learn from them without pressure. That said she fully intends to go off to collage in 3 short years to study English and I fully support this and look forward to her starting that new stage of her journey in Education. The Teeny one would be heading into juniors! Gosh my babies are all growing up! For this one I am just so glad she still gets to play all day, learning what she needs to through her love of animals and dancing. 

So happy not back to school week if your choice is to Home Educate. If your children are back in school this week I hope they are also making many new friends and having some fun with learning.

In coming months I will talk much more about raising offspring while exploring one’s own healing, shadows and deconditioning the conditioning most of us grew up with.

If there is anything you would like me to speak on please do get in touch.


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