Healing with life source energy

Science has proven that Everything is energy. There is actually no substance, or ‘matter’, as we perceive there to be. Reiki is the ‘tuning into’ that energy which is not only all around us, but is who each of us individually are.

Reiki is simply translated 'life force energy', which is this energy that animates us and keeps us alive. The practice of using this energy in healing is when an energy healer, one who is either attuned from a master or who has learned the practice through intuition, uses this energy to guide them on how to support another individuals energy system.

The energy system is running through our own body and is well understood in ancient medicine practices like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayudavedic medicine as well as many indigenous and native medicine practices around the world.

Reiki aims to help the flow of energy in the body and remove blocks which may have arisen from a physical injury, or even an emotional trauma. Improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of physical or emotional illness.

Energy healing has been around for thousands of years, but its current form, which we know as Reiki, was first discovered and developed in 1922 by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui. Reiki was originallly used by those who Mikao Usui taught to perform self healing. From there those people began to use this healing energy to support others in their healing. This is how it has been brought down today.

Whilst energy healing is most often practiced by gently, physically placing hands on the receiver of the healing, since it is the use of the energy that is all around us and part of each of us, a treatment can also be given to groups and even sent remotely.

While I have already spoken about the holistic therapies that I have used for much of my life, aromatherapy, massage and the more recent ones I love like EFT, I’d shied away from Reiki for many years. This is something I will discuss in another blog in future, but while I had shied away, it had intrigued me.

My remembering

In 2020 I met someone who I had some other things in common with and he happened to be a Holy FIre Reiki master. In 2021 after several intuitive nudges to explore Reiki I asked him is he would be willing to teach me face to face. As there were still certain factors around ‘the virus I shall not name here’ I wasn’t sure he’d be will to teach me face to face at the time, however, being of like mind he was. In March 2021 I was attuned to level 1 Usui and Holy Fire Reiki.

This attunement was enough to unlock deep held, soul memories of how I have used energy healing in other lifetimes. It unlocked so much for me and many of the things I have created have been as a result of this one day in March 2021. A month later I was attuned to level 2 and have been supporting others with energy healing ever since.

I love most of all doing distance healing sessions. I have some incredible experiences when I do these sessions and frequently enjoy doing group healing and single sessions on a donation basis to bring this powerful way of supporting health to as many as possible.

As an Usui and Holy Fire Reiki attuned practitioner I use this practice in much of what I do from EFT sessions to Quantum Healing and even in my talking support and aromatherapy.

Find out more or book here.


Balancing the energy within


But what about socialisation????