But what about socialisation????

Every so often I have something to say in response to people on social media, and it turns into a blog post. This was one of those occasions.

After almost 3 decades around Home Education I have heard this argument more times than I can count. Hey, it was even one of my own as you’ll see. I am also aware that in some parts of the world, and in some styles of ‘home schooling’ socalisation is an issue, but that’s a family’s choice and should never be seen as an umbrella issue with Home Educating young people!

"If i would have been homeschooled back in the days i would deffo missed all the friendships and crazy stuff we did. Is not about the school system but about playing and having fun together before, during and after school is so much fun, i didn't give a fuck what they teached that much but the community, connection is important if you homeschool you can't give that feeling to your childrens part of the truth i love being around people always did"

The above was a direct quote from someone attempting to defend school and point out the age old belief that ‘Home Educated Young People Don’t Socialise’!

I have literally been around home education now for more of my life that I have been without it. I was just 16 when my nephews began their home education journey. And I will be honest, firstly I thought my sister was crazy for this choice, and secondly one of the reasons why was this very thing, socialisation!

30 years later and now with 3 home educated young ones of my own, I know so much better!

Watching my 3 nephews grow into not just well educated adults, but into confident men who all found partners, found their life path and have travelled more extensively than I have, Home Education didn’t do them so bad. It is in fact my belief that home education did them way better for their social skills than school did for me!

If you are still of the belief that school is the only way to learn social skills, well I don't know where you went to school, but in lessons we were always told we weren't there to socialise, and where in adult life do you get forced into socialising with 30 people the same age who you have no interest with (unless maybe you work in a call centre?)

Even if you work in a 9-5 job after you leave school I would expect there are a variety of ages, and an interest in the thing you work in?!

The socialisation of before and after then, and school holidays is nothing different to what our home educated children experience Whenever They Want To!! They are constantly socialising with their friends, and these friends may range from 10 years younger to 10 years older!

The result of this is they then have a wide experience of socialisation (god I feel like I'm talking about puppies and kittens now, not human young ones 🙄).

This means when they mature, when they choose to go to college or university or get employment in that ‘real world' they are not terrified of adults or shy around their elders, but see everyone as an equal!

Give me that any day over the abject fear I had to speak to anyone older than 18 when I left school!


Healing with life source energy


The healing power of touch